Common DIY Toilet Repairs

A running toilet is a very common issue that a homeowner may be able to fix.

The toilet in a home is made of two primary parts, the bowl and the upper tank. The bowl unit rests on the floor and is not just a porcelain drain with no moving parts. Only so many repairs involve the bowl unit of the toilet. The same cannot be said with the upper tank. It contains the water that will be released when the toilet is flushed. It holds two necessary valves and the handle that controls the flush action. This is the location where the majority of the toilet repairs occur. Most toilet issues are easy to fix and can be done by a homeowner.

Replace the ballcock

Refill valves are available in different styles, and the older designs are called ballcocks. It refers to the floating ball, which is hollow, that operates the cock or valve that controls the water. Even though the term ballcock usually refers to any fill valve, technically speaking, the term only refers to the diaphragm type and the plunger type, which both have the float ball. Ballcock valves often encounter issues. Replacing it with a contemporary fill valve with a float cup design can be easy.

Fix the flush valve

The second primary component of a toilet is the flush valve. It is situated at the tank’s center. It is a brass or plastic fitting connected to the tank’s bottom opening. It works with a neoprene or rubber flapper or a floating ball. The float ball or the flapper rests against the valve opening and ensures the water remains in the tank until the flush handle is used. Depressing the handle will trigger a chain or lift wire linked to the handle rod to raise the flapper and let the water move from the tank and into the toilet bowl.

Repairing a running toilet

A running toilet is a very common issue that a homeowner may be able to fix. An incorrectly seated flapper may cause a running toilet in the flush valve’s opening, or the tank’s water level is too high, and it is letting the water flow on top of the overflow tube and then down into the tank. Either way, the toilet repair involved is relatively simple. A homeowner can easily adjust the water level, and can also replace the flapper valves. However, hiring an expert plumber is always an option.

Loose flush handle

Another simple toilet repair involves the flush handle. If it becomes disconnected or loose, there are two things that can be done to fix it. The first is to reconnect the lift chain or wire that links the lift arm to the flapper. The second is to adjust the handle mounting nut inside the tank; it contains reverse threads that need to be rotated counterclockwise if it needs to be tightened.

Call plumbing experts for help repairing a toilet or other plumbing-related issues.

With over 25 years of experience, American Discount Plumbing has offered expert plumbing service and repair in Phoenix Arizona and surrounding cities at affordable rates for both residential and commercial properties. We are a licensed, bonded, and insured plumbing company with thirty-five years of experience in plumbing. We offer 24-hour emergency service, From a simple leak to a complete plumbing renovation, we strive to be reliable, honest, professional and all of our work is guaranteed. Call 602-883-2787 today!


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